Living with a Goofball

Nonstop entertainment and pure joy! Our little bug, note the antennae length eye brows, keeps a smile on my face and joy in my heart. Leo is so stinking entertaining that I rarely bother to turn the TV on. I'd much rather watch him than anything that primetime has to offer. He is growing so fast! It is a little bittersweet to watch him grow

Living with a Goofball2018-03-22T20:10:24-04:00

Enjoying the Quiet

Not quite Spring yet and early Spring are my favorite times of year to live in Western Michigan. Even on beautiful weekends like the one we just had there are so many beautiful places to go and more often than not we have them all to ourselves. After three days over the last two weekends in Silver Lake (which is an absolute madhouse of people

Enjoying the Quiet2018-03-19T10:52:12-04:00

A Day with My Boy

The camera was in LOVE with Leo today. What a wonderful time we had exploring the dunes. We had the WHOLE place to ourselves! We were out on the dunes for hours and only ever saw one other person at a distance. It was wonderful... So peaceful, and I was able to let Leo run without fear. A couple more weeks and the

A Day with My Boy2018-03-19T10:55:28-04:00

Confessions of Neurotic Pet Mom

This weekend absolutely did not go as planned. Nothing like a sick puppy to bring the world to a screeching halt! The details of my topsy turvy weekend are detailed in a previous post (link to the previous post in the upper right corner...). This one is dedicated to the confessions of how absolutely crazy I am about my fur children, and all the not

Confessions of Neurotic Pet Mom2018-03-19T10:55:39-04:00

Thankfully Reunited

Wow, what a scare we had over the weekend! My body is still recovering from the stress, as is Leo's. Still not sure exactly what happened, but Leo obviously got into something that did not agree with him. After his lunch feeding on Friday, about 12:30, he started throwing up. The first two seemed like a regurgitation from eating too quickly, which he does regularly

Thankfully Reunited2018-03-19T10:55:52-04:00

Joyous Adventure

 There are so many things that we can learn from dogs. In so many ways they are much better at living life than we are. Since I live with three of these incredible critters I feel that I need to honor the lessons that the provide by sharing my experiences with my babies. Today's lesson is one of the most obvious. Be present. Enjoy

Joyous Adventure2018-03-19T10:56:04-04:00

Welcome Home Leo

So sorry for the lack of communication lately, I have been very busy lately getting puppy prepared. We are so excited to welcome Stella del Nord Tolstoy's Greatest Work, Leo for short, into our pack. The greatest Christmas gift ever! He has been a pure joy so far, and is fitting well into our little family. I can't wait to share lots of

Welcome Home Leo2017-12-27T11:39:35-05:00

Christmas Journey

What a wonderful journey we were able to make this holiday season! We had been looking forward to this trip and counting down the days for many weeks. It was a long drive and we encountered every kind of winter weather imaginable on the roads, but I would drive it a thousand times over and still have nothing but joy in my heart.

Christmas Journey2017-12-27T12:45:36-05:00

A Celebration of Life

What a wonderful day to spend on the beach with the girls. The last couple weeks we have been preoccupied trying to care for their brother. There wasn't a lot of fun to be had for them. Fighting the sadness so I could give the girls could have a little joy this afternoon. Their incredibly happy faces and pure joy of having the whole beach

A Celebration of Life2017-11-08T19:07:02-05:00

My Beautiful Boy

Those of you that have known me for a long time know that I process best by writing my way through the tough times that life throws at us. So, today is a tribute to our beautiful baby boy. I hope there are millions of Timberdoodles where you are today Rocky. My first memories of Rocky were him trying in every way to

My Beautiful Boy2017-11-07T08:40:57-05:00
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